When I grow up, I want to be just like Daddy and do some woodworking! I thought it would be best if I started early! Here I am showing off my fine work...pay attention to the detail work I have done! (just like Daddy does!) I am quite proud of my achievement and anytime Mommy or Daddy comes in my room, I say "
AhAhAh"and point at it just like this....they act like it is a bad thing! Shows how much they know! Woodcarving is an ART...don't you people know this! They have been talking about getting me re-tested for lead paint poisining....does that require a shot?

Grandma said that Mommy did the same thing to her crib! (apparently
hereditary!) Grandma said she always thought Mommy was part Beaver...hmmm...maybe that is why she had such buck teeth as a child! Thanks for fixing that Grandma.....sure hate to be the kid in school with the Mom that has the huge buck teeth!