Thursday, April 9, 2009

Walking the basketball??

Auntie Kaleigh and Mommy were looking for roller blades and they ran across this stroller.....that I now claim as mine! I was so excited to put Auntie Kaleigh's basketball in the stroller so I could take it for a walk! Mommy tried to put Miley in there and I had a fit! I knew exactly what I wanted to do and nobody was about to cramp my style! Sorry Miley but Mommy already has a stroller for you! This one is mine!
I enjoyed pushing it all over the driveway...
I could have done this all day long had it not been for that ridiculous "Nap time"!

I didn't quite get how to turn the when I wanted to go in a different direction, I just picked the entire thing up and moved it! I made some pretty funny noises and faces while doing this, but it worked and lets be honest here.....I am one strong chick!!!
As you can see, I didn't just "pick it up"....I "PICKED IT UP"!!


  1. Lauren, you must have some least you are a good problem solver!
