Here I sit just waiting for my check-up! I think I will shed this's a little hot in here. I am very lucky to be a healthy baby and really count my blessings! I am just like my the charts in length and in the 50 percentile on my weight. (whatever that means) I weighed in at a grand 16 lbs and 27 1/2 in. long! Take note...this look on my face did not last the entire appointment! Darn shots!!! It always helps that Mommy sheds a few tears too! Thanks for feeling my pain too Mommy!!

Here's Lauren hanging out with our "nurse".....we call her Grandma! I am learning how to use the tape measure! Grandma only had to teach me once.....pull out the tape and push the button to retract! I got hand me the needle....
Miley sounds like she may want another shot....I joke now, but in 2 weeks guess who gets their shots??
Poor least you had a good nurse!!! :-)