If you are tuning in to our blog, you are clearly family or close friends so you may already know all of this, but if not....here it goes. I have recently decided to quit my job of 16 1/2 years working for the airlines...a very difficult decision in the beginning, but once I decided to let go...I realized how much better I felt already! As much as I loved my job and all of the wonderful things it has brought to my life...it suddenly was getting in the way of our family being able to spend time together! With Ty's job taking him away from us for several days at a time every week, we were only getting to be together as a family on Mondays from about 5pm. until bedtime...not enough! He usually leaves on Tuesdays and is back home on Saturday night....I would leave for work on Sunday at 11am and return after midnight....and most of you are aware of our nightmare rental property that is consuming literally all of Ty's "free time"...
uggh! He is trying desperately to finish a job that is in my opinion... literally impossible... so that we may start to build our own home that we have dreamed of for many years....but especially now...that we have a family to raise in it! Before we started our family, it was a fun project for him because with me working about 70-80 hrs. a week, he spent all of his time at home working on the rental...he enjoyed it...but now....it is taking time away from us as a family. (are you following all of this??)
So....here I am....turning a new chapter in my life....
pursuing something I have always been passionate about...Photography!
I always dreamed of a side
business and had been on a
wait list for two years at our local Community College for the Professional Photography Program. It is one of the top in the nation and just minutes from our house...bonus!.....long story short.....I just cannot find it in myself to go back to school at this point in my life! My most important job of all is far too important to me! Raising our girls!
I finally convinced myself to purchase the camera I had been researching for a year...and just get going with it! Along the way, I have met some pretty incredible people that have pointed me in the right direction....and one thing is leading to another....and here I am.....taking the plunge!
I recently attended a confidence workshop for women that focused on using your camera in the manual mode setting....I was
definitely the least experienced person in the room! I decided to not let this stop me but instead to utilize the amazing women I had been surrounded by to help me get going!
I am teaching myself along the way with their help and the help of a new found friend!! How generous of all of them!
So here it is....my first shots where I did not have my camera on the auto mode.....I have a lot to learn....and a long way to go...but again....if you are reading this, you are family or close friends and not "judging" me....but if you would I would appreciate it! Your comments would be greatly appreciated! Take note that many are not "quite" right but I either like if for the expressions on their faces or for the angle at which I shot at! I mentioned in a past post that I would be setting up a Photography blog of my "photography" photos so that I may keep this blog just for Lauren and
Miley's "big adventures" in life!
At this point, I do not enjoy editing photos...(this is where my sister comes in!) I like a photo for what it is.....a moment.....I think that the posed pictures are cute and I do love them...but for me as a "future" photographer....I like that moment where my girls look at me and I capture a look that I see on a daily basis....happy....crying....whatever it be! My goal as a photographer is to capture a moment....not just take a picture...
hence the name for my "future" business...... Moments Captured by heather....Thanks for listening and joining me in my new adventure in life!
Most importantly....a huge thank you to those of you who helped me make this decision!!! My Mom has always been the biggest believer in me and I only hope that I make my girls feel as wonderful about themselves as my Mom makes me feel! She is an amazing woman and I strive to be the Mother she is!! Everyone in my family stands behind me and I am so grateful!! This is a long term goal for me so for the next year or so....it's all practice!
So here it goes.....Thanks to my sister for the editing of the red wagon! You Rock!! I need you!!

I love this because it is a look I often get.....I like to describe it as "honestly...don't you ever put that camera down?".....looking a little irritated with Mommy yet wearing a jacket that says "Life is Good"....