Here is a typical day in the life of me.....Lauren.....I know that I just went Potty in my diaper....I don't want it on... 'cause it's gross.....but I really don't want to miss out on anything to use the Potty chair so I just conveniently go in my pants......then I take them off no matter where I am at! Isn't it great! I really have no problem going at buys me time from having to go to bed! I sit on the Potty chair and decide what sticker I am going to pick out when I am my business....get my sticker....wash my hands....brush my teeth and call it a day! So easy....but during the day....forget it! Too much fun to be had! I do however take my diaper off during nap time and sometimes I even
peepee in my bed! I shout out "
Ucky Mommy" and guess what.....yep....Mommy comes in and saves the day! Here is the typical conversation we have when she comes in....."Lauren...did you go
peepee in your bed?"...."Yep"....."Lauren, do you want to stop wearing diapers and wear big girl pants??" "OK!" (with enthusiasm I might seems to get her hopes up!) then when Mommy cleans me all up I stand in the tub and say "pee-pee and poo-poo
ucky Mommy!" It's a nice time I share with my Mommy.... she has not pressured me into potty training but she is on to me and I think I better get going! Or not!

Thanks for the shirt
Miley......Mine was making me itch!

I was totally into taking the lid off.....putting the lid on......entertainment while my sister was stripping for the family!

I played with the guts a little.....picked me out a big juicy seed....

and tried to eat it! Mommy keeps digging them out of my mouth! ( I get really mad at her for it!)
Guess that was a entertaining night i missed...