When Mommy ran downstairs to switch the laundry around.....she came back to find this!!!

My sister was on Mommy and Daddy's bed eating some cereal while watching
Caillou and she decided to share with me! I love her!!! When Mommy was getting ready to come back upstairs.....my sister shouted down to Mommy......."Mommy.....Lauren gave
Miley a snack!".......a serious indication that Mommy
definitely needed to grab the camera! And probably the hand-vac....
My sister is all about "fessing up" when she does something that she probably should not have done! Even if she pushes me down.......which she is doing much less of.....she will come tell Mommy "Lauren push
Miley down Mommy!".......then Mommy says, "Lauren...did you really?" Her response......"UH-HUH".....kinda strange really.....and she even says it with such pride! Keep in mind....while this conversation is going on......I am usually crying....waiting for Mommy to come make it all better! Then the best part is she then comes in and gives me a hug and kiss and says ..."Lauren kiss it and make it better?" I just don't get it really! Push me down...fess up to Mom....then try to make it better?? I'm so confused!