"Come here
Miley....sit on Lauren's lap".....this is what I told my sister when I wanted to read a book to her! This is how Mommy and Daddy do it too......I have even designated "Lauren's lap and
Miley's lap" on Mommy! (I'm always on the left and
Miley is always on the right....sometimes I ask Mommy if I can sit on
Miley's lap when she is already sleeping!)

I wanted to read my favorite bedtime story to her......"Griffin's busy day"

Oh Mommy.....I think she likes it too!

Yep....I do!
Miley....right here the book is asking if you can help find the lady bug.....do you see the ladybug

der"......yep! Good job
Miley! You found the lady bug!

Ok....sissy....I'm out of here! You know I can't possibly sit through an entire book....no matter how fun you make it seem! LATER!!!!

My sister just doesn't appreciate a good book like I do! I am going to continue reading it because quite frankly....I love this book!

Well not enough to pass up this brownie Grandma sent home and a glass of milk! YUMMY!!! Thanks for sharing
Miley and for bringing it to me!

Have you thought about what you are going to do with the CRAZY HAIR of yours?? I might suggest a "pretty".....it could do wonders for you!

Whatever.....I like my crazy hair and besides....I'm heading to bed!
Nite everyone!
q carinhosas!