Yes it is true! I am getting to be such a big girl!!! I am now 18 mo. old and Mommy still can't believe it!

I am really starting to talk a lot too! It is
especially obvious when I am alone with my Mommy! We like to spend Thursdays together where we go to music is kind of just "Mommy and
Miley" time! My sister goes to Grandma and Grandpa's house or she hangs out with Daddy if he is home. Mommy and I sometimes go out to eat afterwards....she finds it incredibly easy to take just one of us on a little outing! (not to mislead those of you with just one little one.....only comparing her personal experience with taking both of us anywhere at the same time!) When Mommy takes the two of us shopping....she is sure she is on candid camera sometimes! We like to RUN in opposite directions and watch her try to figure out which one to chase first! It's awesome!

When I am without my sidekick Lauren....I am such an angel....usually! But you must know that when I feel the need for attention when she is around....I have my way of getting it! I sometimes have to whip out my Irish temper to get what I want! It usually works! When we go to Grandma's house....I like to play "Mommy's girl".....I put on a does my sister.....for Grandma because she gives the BEST sympathy for anything! If we fall down.....she's right there....if we don't like what we have to eat....she keeps hunting for anything to make us happy.........if we don't want to mind Mommy.....we go right to Grandma! You get the picture!

Mommy thinks I have the most amazing profile! She loves to stare at my eyelashes and my tiny button nose! This is one of the perks of being stuck in my parents room! My Mommy LOVES to watch me sleep and play with my toys before I turn in for the evening! I love to play with my babies....I kiss them and feed them with their play bottle. I am also really great with puzzles!

I seem to have a good sense of humor too! If I think something is are going to know it! I have a great laugh! My sister can really get me laughing sometimes! She is my best friend! I love to play with her and I especially love how EVERY night before she goes to bed, she comes in to give me a kiss good-night! She gathers toys for me and puts them in my crib! She is always looking out for me and makes sure I have what I need. Mommy loves this and hopes that we always look out for each other. My sister also likes to greet me after our nap! She wakes up from her nap.....tells Mommy, "I had a good nap Mommy" and comes to check on me to see if I had a good nap too! If I am just waking up, she tells Mommy, "
Miley had a good nap too Mommy"! I love when she interprets things for me!

I love to giggle and often cover my mouth when I laugh! Grandma taught me's cute! I am putting 2 words together and have been for quite a favorite...."Where's Dada?" I say it with such questioning in my tone! Apparently my favorite color is sister declared that for me!
I love stuffed animals and love to snuggle with them!

My recent greatest accomplishment......I love to undress myself! I find it quite entertaining especially during nap time! I like to unzip my PJ's and take them completely off! Recently....on two occasions.....I have also helped my Mommy out with taking my own dirty diaper off! Isn't that nice of me? I was very curious what all of that "stuff" was in my diaper......I had it between every finger....every fingernail.....and between every bar of my crib! It is possible that I will be an amazing finger
painter someday! You should have seen the work I did! I was quite proud of myself! Too bad Daddy always misses out on the fun stuff! That's what Mommy was mumbling anyway when she was cleaning up all of my hard work! Needless to say, I now have to wear a
onesie under my pj's.....just wait though....I'll figure that out too!

It's really no secret that I am a total Daddy's Girl! Don't get me wrong.....I do love my Mommy but when Daddy is home....Mommy doesn't stand a chance! Daddy is the fun one because Mommy gets to do all of the discipline work! We can get away with so much when it is just Daddy!

I totally have a mind of my own! When we all go to the park.....I want to go the opposite way that everyone else does.....I like to take my own path! I want to be the leader of my own pack! When my parents are "on to me" and come after me.....I think it is so funny! I run as fast as I can....turn my head to see how close they are, giggle as loud as I can.....and fall over from laughing! Then when they try to get me to go "their" way.....I cry and get really mad!
I seem to LOVE animals too! Especially dogs! I love to be outdoors and play as hard as I can! I am far too brave according to Mommy.....I have no concept of getting hurt yet!
My Mommy thinks I am quite the little girl! She thinks she is the luckiest Mom ever! (well except when she was cleaning up my "finger paint" artwork!)
Nice pictures Miley, you and Mom did a very good job!!! :)
ReplyDeleteWOW Heather those are really really good... You are getting better and better... Y :-)
you have such beautiful girls! I love spending time with all 3 of you :)
ReplyDeleteMuito linda, essa mocinha... PARABENS!