Mommy tries to get us out of the house everyday but when we are having bad weather, we are forced to enjoy our toys at home! Mommy and I found this rocking horse at a garage sale recently and after I tried it out in their driveway.....we decided together that it was a must to be part of our family! I think it may have been the fact that I kept calling it a cow and saying "Moo" that made her agree with me that we needed it!
Miley was sleeping in her car seat so Mommy let me play at the garage sale for a while as she sat in the driveway...the people that were having the sale were very nice and they told us that it had been in their family for a long time! We promised that we would take good care of it! I showed them how I could ride it while sipping a Capri Sun juice drink that they were selling! It was pretty fun and entertaining for the other people at the sale....the nice little boy who was the last to "own it" carried it to the car for us! I have been having a lot of fun riding it!

I really like the little books.....they taste delicious!

Elmo...where did you go?? I crawled under here to play with you but now I can't find you!!!

Help Mommy....get me out of here!
LOL how cute is that?