Yesterday while I was brushing my teeth....Mommy was playing with my "
Hai"....I am not sure what the big deal is, but she thought this was pretty funny! I personally think it is a waste of her time! I did however leave them in long enough to drive over to Grandmas to show her......then to Sam's club to show them to the local shoppers....then half way home before I opted to yank them out!! I did tell Mommy "Pretty
Hai"! She is going to try again today to see if I can get used to them!

Mommy told Daddy about them and he asked her to please take a Daddy if you are looking, this one is for you! I would not let her take a picture from the front though.....You cannot even see them from the front "
hai" on the sides is still too short! Oh well....someday!
Ohhh cute lil piggy tails Lauren!!! :)