Kaleigh is a fun one to play with.....she hangs out under the table like I do!

Daddy is always making forts for me to play in....I love it!!
Miley loves it too!!

Thanks for being such a special part of our lives Auntie
Kaleigh and guys are a lot of fun!

Aunt Carol's presents are always the biggest hit! Mommy has decided that her presents need to be opened last! We always seem to lose interest in everything else once her present has been opened! You Rock Aunt Carol!!

Hi Big Bird!! If you ask me....the highlight of my sister's birthday was the fact that I walked around a little....on my own terms of course....and....the morning after being bombarded with Elmo's in our house......I now say "Elmo"!!! "Elm" for short every now and then!! I do love Elmo too!!

Happy Birthday Big sister!!! I do love you!!! You are pretty nice to me! I love when you kiss me when you think I have a Boo-boo....and how you hold my hands when I am trying to you make sure that I get everything you get....and you are always asking Mommy if "
Miley Mad Mama?" One of my favorites is when I fall asleep at night and you are heading to give Mommy the "
Shhh" signal...then you slam my door shut so nobody wakes me up! I love when you wake up in the morning and shout out my name and we scream back and forth to each other! I love how you gather a ton of toys for me and throw them in my crib so I don't get bored...Mommy wonders how I haven't cracked my skull yet!! And despite the fact that you sometimes get jealous when I want to play with your toys...and the fact that you sometimes try to gouge my eyes out.....I do think you are the greatest sister ever!! We have a lot of fun times ahead of us!! I love you
soo much and I think you are funny! Mommy says a sibling is one of the greatest gifts God gives a child....and I have to agree!
I agree siblings are nice! You had a fun filled day Lauren!