What an exciting day!!! It isn't everyday that a girl turns 2!!! I seemed to know that something special was going on....so to make Mommy happy, I left my piggy tails in for a few hours!!

We headed to Sam's club because quite frankly.....I LOVE IT there! I rip through the aisles like I own the place....Mommy is pretty sure that when they see us
coming they probably say "Oh great....here they come again!"....but we don't care! We still love it! I burn up so much energy here because I literally run up and down every aisle!!

Here I am stopping at the Bose speaker demonstration.....I like to stop here to shake it a little! I don't know why everyone else doesn't break out in dance!! It's so much fun!!!

I watched a little TV......well....actually a LOT of TV! They have so many!!! And they are all huge!!!

I think I am going to have a great day today!! I can't wait to see what the day has in store for me!! YIPPEE for being 2!!!!!
The piggy tails are cute Lauren. Looks like you started your day out right :)