I found this "woof-woof" at a garage sale with Mommy! I played with it in the car all the way home but had no idea that I could actually wear it! It sings "How much is that
doggie in the window". Did you know that for $1.00 you can change a
child's life?

"Woof-woof"! Grandma showed me what I looked like in the mirror and by golly....I look like a pink dog! "Woof-woof"!

Another one of our great deals! $2.00 for my sweet little "bike".....I ride it all around the house and say "bike"!
Ahhh....the life of a "trike-drive"! The wind between my toes....hair blowing in the breeze....
ok so it's the air conditioner blowing on my feet and I have a severe case of bed head...so what...a girl's gotta dream a little!

I LOVE our garage sale outings Mommy! As soon as I get back in the car, I say..."more....more"! The only down side is that everyone seems to sell their strollers and I am so excited because I push them around their driveways.....however, when it's time to go....I get very mad and cry that we have to leave the strollers behind! I don't get it!
Lauren, we have found some great treasures too! I personally love to pull the clothes off of the tables while Mommy is looking!