Mommy was watching me crawl around in my crib and she was just thinking to herself that it would not be long until I would pull myself up all on my own.....and guess what....about 5 seconds later this is the face she was starring at!!! Look at the pride on my face!!! I was smiling so big all she could see was a mouth full of gums....oh yes and my tooth too! Aren't I SO BIG!!!!!

I was so excited I was laughing out loud! I was doing all I could to wake up my sister because I know she would be just as excited for me!!!

I don't want to brag....but I am pretty good at this! Wanna see me do it again Mom??

How about again??? I typically go do bed about 9:00 but not tonight! My excitement kept me up until 1:00am! Isn't that great!!!

Who would have guessed....a new chew toy for me!!! Standing up is going to open up a whole new world for me!!! YIPPEE!!!!! I'm a big girl!!!!!!!

Mommy got this on video too but she became to frustrated when she tried to post it on here.....give her time.....she is always a little on the slow side with technology!
You go Miley!!!!