We took a late night trip to the grocery store and let me tell you how much fun I had! We usually get everything at Target, but tonight we went to a different grocery store and while Mommy and
Miley were picking out fruit....Daddy said that he and I would be back. He found this really cool cart that had a car attached to it....I am
surprised we did not get a speeding ticket! Mommy could hear me laughing 2 aisles over! Daddy was literally running up and down the aisles as I "drove"! Daddy said we had to get our groceries there more often! Mommy thinks he had just as much fun as I did!

My favorite was the black berries...did you know that they stain off-white rugs? Mommy does.....well she does now!

After we were done shopping, Daddy pushed me out to the car in the cool cart....Mommy was chuckling inside when she thought how lucky she was that she was not the one that had to get me out of the cart! Oh the scene I created! Good thing it was late and not many people were around! I cried so loud that Daddy even ended up doing a few laps in the parking lot.....he is a much bigger push-over then Mommy! .....Mommy thought she was getting off easy.....little did she know that in about 1 hour I was going to drop a black berry on her rug that took her years to find and make a nice stain on it!
heehee.....gotta love parents!
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