Mommy's friend Nadine was in town so we stopped by to say Hello to her and her family! Check them out.....they have 4 kids and we really liked all of them! Kylie is the oldest then Kaitlyn followed by brother Nicholas and little sister Kara. They recently moved to Des
Moines from Peoria. Mommy and Nadine worked together at the airport but we actually knew her long before that! When Auntie
Kaleigh was about
Miley's age, she used to love to go to the grocery store that Nadine worked at because she always gave Auntie
Kaleigh lots of attention! She has always loved kids so it is no surprise that she has 4 of her own!!!

After that we headed to visit Mommy's other friend Kelly....she was visiting from Kansas. We also love to get together with Kelly because she has 3 kids! Their Grandma and Grandpa live just down the street from our Grandma and Grandpa and it seems to be a Grandparent thing.....they have a lot of fun toys too! Check me out learning how to ride a sit-n-spin......How fun!!! Ah...Mom.....great birthday idea!!!

Hey...yah....great birthday idea Mommy!!! I love it too!!!!
Good job at getting caught up Heather. I will give you credit