Mommy just likes this picture because it has Daddy's hands in it! I love my Daddy so fact....he has been home for quite a while and I have become very attached to him! When Mommy was holding me....I cried and reached out for Daddy! (Mommy says it is time for Daddy to go back to work...
Yah Grandma....this chair is going to work out just fine! Now if Lauren and I could sit still long enough to watch a movie together....maybe later!

Yeah for me having a Birthday!!! My big Birthday news is that I took4 steps on my special day!! I have taken a few steps here and there, but 4 is the most so far! Mommy thought for sure I would be walking before my Birthday....but she was wrong! Maybe sister walked 1 week after her 1st Birthday so we will see how close to her I will be!! Until then.....I am just fine crawling!!!
cute pictures, she seems to like her rocking chair too!! :)