Check out my class!!! We all get together on Thursday's and there are about 15 babies in my class! We range in age from NB to 18mo. I really love my class too! We dance and sing and have a book read to us.....we also get baby massages and several other activities! My favorite so far is when they break out the instruments!! I love to shake the eggs with Mommy and I even stand in one spot and shake my
hiney to the music too!

When Miss Marissa brought the blanket out for story time, I caught right on....I crawled right up to the front and had a seat! I never even looked back to make sure Mommy was
ok! Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Mathews
soo much for my Birthday present! Mommy loves getting to spend individual time with each of us and her love for music and instruments will certainly have an impact on us also!
Miley, you're a good listener!