About a week before Christmas, Aunt Carol and "Ho-Ho" had a gathering at their house! It was so nice and they also had great food! Daddy was roasting a hot-dog over the fire! Yummy!

I pretty much hung out with Grandma all night! She is the first one to protect me when I get a little weary of things.....I can always count on Grandma!!

not to mention she loves to play babies with me and Aunt Carol has
SO many babies at her house! It is a lot of fun!!

Once Santa (aka. Ho-ho) came out.....I had no interest in him.....I am weary at Aunt Carol's house because I am having a tough time trying to figure out why Aunt Carol and "Ho-Ho" go together.....I mean think about it....She is married to the guy and yet he is plastered all over the place during the holiday.....he's in the stores....in people's yards....you name it....he's there! I'm a bit confused by this and trying to make sense of it! It's like he's a celebrity or something yet he is always with our family....we must be pretty lucky! Whatever you do Daddy....don't let me down!

Me on the other hand.....let me at him!!! I want to make sure he knows exactly what I want for Christmas! I will give him your list too Lauren.....that way you don't have to come near him!! I've got your back!!!

What a blast at Aunt Carol's house! She is so lucky to get to have Santa at her house all year round!!!
Miley I was surprised you did so well with Santa, you go girl :)