You may recognize this picture from our Christmas cards....Mommy wanted to include it because these very special ornaments were made by "Us" as a gift to our Mommy and Daddy! A big thank you to Grandma, Grandpa, and Auntie
Kaleigh for helping us make them! Our parents loved them and were very grateful!

Mommy had to include a few photos of our Christmas tree....she said it was her favorite tree they had ever decorated! Did you know that my parents didn't start putting a tree up until they had us?? How boring is that! Apparently they thought since they always worked the holidays and ended up going to Grandma and Grandpa's house, they didn't need one at their house....that is so not right! Good thing we came along to brighten up the holidays!!!! Mommy said she finally knows how Grandma feels about the holidays....they are
definitely so much more important through the eyes of a parent!!!
Awwee.....thanks Auntie Carol....

Mommy even decorated a little beyond the tree......geez.....way to go Mom!

Enough of this.....time to head back to bed!! Night Night everyone!!! Merry Christmas!!!
Nice pictures, your house looked so nice Heather! You go :)