If this were on video.....this is what you would hear...."There ya' go
Miley....there ya' go".....Mommy wanted so bad to help but she was too busy taking pictures and didn't want to interrupt me trying so hard.....I have become quite the helper with my sister and I wanted her to wear Daddy's shoes because I was wearing Mommy's.....but clearly she needed my help!

I think the problem might be that she only has one sock on.....

Either way....it doesn't matter....we got it!

Come on
Miley....I will hold you up too!

No...no...don't fall.....let's go!

"Good girl
Miley"......my sister is getting so big....she is a good girl! She even says "goo-
gil".....so cute....she is learning quite a few words! Good job
You are quite the girl Lauren!!