Finally....Santa appeared from the top of a building.......(big deal!) Take me back to the Train Shop....that's where all of the fun is!

So....he "climbed" down the wall......YEAH!......did I mention the train store has a basement set up with trains too!!!!

After Santa's "exciting" arrival, we walked back to the car and realized they were having fireworks also! YIPPEE.....that was cool! We sat in the car with the heat on HIGH trying to thaw out and enjoyed the fireworks show! It was a fun night and we are so glad we went!

When we came home, low and behold....the bunnies were in the same spot we left them....and they were anxious to play with us! We like to place them in the middle of the floor and dance around them while Mommy sings "Ring around the

It's so bazaar....I keep finding these bunnies in the most conspicuous the closet in my room.....then behind all of the clothes bins....then around the corner in my's like they are being "hid" by someone that is tired of looking at them! It's
ok though....I keep finding them and getting them back out to play with! They are such a perfect can't really hide them....they stand out like a sore thumb....and by Easter......they will be like part of the family! It's like we get to celebrate Easter year round! Exciting huh Mommy!!
Your one silly little girl Lauren