Here I am about to try my first donut! Mommy doesn't ever really buy them because they make her sick....too bad for her! She decided to pick them up before the storm hit us as a special treat! Once Mommy took these pictures, she decided that my "baby look" is just about gone!!! sniff sniff......still no luck talking Daddy into another baby.....whatever that means.... I go......

OH YEAH BABY.....give me more! It's like a mini birthday cake for breakfast!! I could get used to this!!! Auntie Carol stopped by and had one with me!!! She and I have a lot in common.....that and our curls!! Mommy says I am getting ringlet curls in the back and if you pull them out they are pretty long! Grandma said Auntie Carol had curls like that when she was little! That can only mean one thing....we are both as cool as cool can get!!!

This is the first day of being stuck inside from the darn snow storm......break out the crayons Mom and your bag of's gonna be a long 3 days if we cannot leave this house!

And here is our car ......this was taken only 1/2 way through the storm.....I believe we got over 15 inches....YUCK!!!! Enough already!!!!
Oh yeah Miley doughnuts are a good thing!!! Once in awhile anyway!! Gotta love them :)