Are you KIDDING me??? A store FULL of trains!!! Somebody pinch me!!!! This is like a dream come true!!! Let me in!!!! I could have stood here for hours watching the trains!!! Daddy and I went into the store while Mommy chased Miley around the street! My sister just doesn't get the train obsession I have! She doesn't appreciate the finer things in life yet! Mommy knew when we came out of the store, because I stood in the doorway and had a 2 yr. old tantrum! I was NOT happy! Daddy totally understood because he would feel the same way if someone made him leave an airplane display before he was ready! So back in we went.....3 more times.....each time I had my melt-down in the same seemed to be pretty effective so why ruin a good thing! Mommy took me in after the 3rd time! She thought it was a pretty neat place too!
Fun Times!
5 years ago
cookies are better than trains hey Miley?? lol