Every night after Mommy tucks me into bed, I play for quite a while before I actually go to sleep! I take all of my babies (and Barney) and shove them between my crib and the wall allowing them to hang by their chins (I am a great Mommy too!) Here I am counting all of them to make sure they are all there! I count everything! I never really just say my numbers....I only say them when I am actually counting something! My favorite number is "2".....I want "2" of everything! If you give me just one cookie for example....I don't want it! It's 2 or nothing!! Did you know that the individually wrapped string cheese actually has "2" in it! That's right! It is the only thing that my Mommy is able to pull the wool over my eyes with! That splitting the cookie in "2" pieces.....yah....doesn't work! Give me "2" or I will literally launch the other one across the room! Mommy likes to thank Grandma for this! She started it with allowing me to have "2" cookies whenever I wanted! Thank you Grandma! Mommy is very grateful!!! ......so am I!!!

After I count them, I give each and every one of them a kiss good-night! I love my babies! I really love my Barney too....I love to sing his "You Love Me" song! Mommy leaves my door cracked open a little so she can watch me play with them and listen to me sing my song! She claims it is some of the best entertainment she has ever had!
How cute. Gotta love those babies huh Lauren?