Saturday, February 20, 2010

You know you've had a great nap when.....

....You wake up with hair like this!!!! Mommy says I have "Crazy Hair!"......
Speaking of my Crazy Hair.....I LOVE to watch the movie "Annie"......I ask for it all the time! Mommy wants to get me on video asking for it because I say it sooo cute!!! This gave Mommy a great idea for Halloween next guessed it.....I am going to be Annie!!! Guess who is going to be Daddy Warbucks.....that's Daddy! Mommy has already informed him of should have seen the look on his face! Mommy said she should be Miss Hannigan.....and Lauren can be one of the other orphans.....might as well make it a family outing! This should be interesting!


"Moren got it!"....this is what I will tell you if you ask if I need help! I have amazing determination for someone my age!! Daddy and I love to play with the trains and when he is gone, I take it upon myself to set the track up all by myself! I like to tell my Mommy "Moren play with tracks ok Ma-ma".....and off I go! Mommy knows to keep my little sister out of the room because I take great pride in my trains and Miley just doesn't appreciate them like I do! I will literally set a track up all the way around the room including bridges with supports under them (socks I randomly find throughout the room). Mommy is amazed when I come to get her to show her what I have done!
Mommy understands my passion for trains and everytime we leave Grandma's house, we pull off to the side of the road by her house and we watch the trains as they are backing is going on nearly everytime we leave her house! It is great!! We pull off the road and wave at the conductor....he always waves back to us too! It is so much fun! If you ask me about it, I will tell you "Fun time huh Ma-ma"! Mommy tries to take advantage of the little things like of the many reasons she feels blessed to be able to stay at home with us.....we are never really in a hurry! This is such a difference from when she was working full time before Miley arrived....trying to hurry to get stuff we just stop and enjoy the little things in life! Like waving at the conductor.....and then we tell the train "nite-nite".....we head down the road and then I tell Mommy "up-up".....I like to go up the "on ramp"....even though it is not the way Mommy goes home...we do it anyway....because it is fun! Miley.....she just sits there drinking her Milk...trying to stay awake!


Everything tastes better at Grandma's.....including this Jell-O! Check me out....I almost always use my utensils now.....almost I said..... This is serious business.....I have to make sure I keep it on the fork and make it in my mouth too....

And you can see how happy that makes me!

Check out my sister in the background....she suddenly has taken a liking to her old high-chair at Grandma's.....I have been forced to sit in the big girl chair because she insists on using that one....she has been doing that at home too.....she hasn't used the tray on her chair for about a year at home.....but suddenly she wants it on at home too?? Go figure......guess what else....we were recently at McDonald's with Mommy and Daddy and Lauren insisted on sitting in a high-chair there too.....rather then cause a big scene, Mommy and Daddy let her do it...and guess what....Mommy nearly had to run to Walgreens for some Vaseline to rub on her legs to get her out! No kidding!!! She was basically stuck! She didn't mind though.....after she got out, she climbed up on Ronald McDonalds lap like nothing happened! Crazy girl!

Remember....I said ALMOST always uses my utensils....haha! You can see I tried to drink it too.....and a little stuck to my forehead!

Crazy Girl!!!!

This is what my Mommy gets to see EVERY TIME she comes in my room after my nap!!!! And it lasts for minutes.....I am always naked....(I hope we are not offending anyone....but Mommy strategically picked out these two photos...and they are too funny not to share!)
.... And I keep jumping and dancing until Mommy gets me out of my bed!!! I am a crazy girl!!! Mommy thinks this is hilarious!!! I think it is a blast!!! The first question Mommy asks....."Did you go pee-pee in your bed?" .....I'm on to her soon as she opens the door, I say "NO PEE-PEE in my bed Mommy!".......I am doing pretty good with potty training.....we have ventured out with no pull-ups accident free.....but I did have an accident at Grandma's....who wants to stop playing at Grandma's to go potty....not me!

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!

Even though Daddy was sick on his Birthday....we were sure glad we were able to celebrate at Grandma's house.....once little sister got first dibs on the icing!!! See the smile of success on her face....dead give-away....along with the evidence.... Hey Miley....your face looks silly!

Miley....quick ...close your eyes!! It's about to get really smokey in here! Sorry Daddy....but Mommy made me "say" that!
Happy Birthday Daddy! We love you so much and having you home for your Birthday was extra special to us! You are the greatest Daddy ever! We love how you let us get away with everything.....let us break all the rules.....and you can build the best train tracks! We love it when you lay down next to our crib until we fall you do EVERYTHING we demand of you.....and best of you LOVE us with all of your heart! Mommy tells us that all the time when you are gone! We miss you while you are gone at work, but when you are away, Lauren points out the airplanes and waves at you!! Have you seen her do that??
Kiss-Kiss you tell us....just like Elmo!!!

Playtime with Kitty Kat....

Mommy has these really pretty dishes I love....and so does this Wheat's good for you!!Let me shove your face in this bowl.....have a little milk too will ya'!
Not a bad idea Kitty....I think I will sit here and have a little myself!

Hey Mom.....could you please grab me some milk too??

Outta' my face!

Honestly....didn't you say you were going to keep that camera out of my face while I am sick....geez....whats a girl gotta do to be left alone?? Now open this Tylenol will's time for my meds! A Kleenex here....a Kleenex nose has been running for a month I am pretty sure! My sisters has too.....she however wipes her own nose! She tells Mommy "Ucky nose...." then "Moren (lauren) do it!"....she is very independent! Me on the other hand....I see Mommy coming with a Kleenex and I am already mad at her! Sorry Mom....but you wouldn't like it either!

Monday, February 15, 2010

My Auntie Kaleigh is a genius!!

At a recent get together, everyone brought some sort of dish to share.....check out my Auntie Kaleigh's amazing creation.....peanut butter cups with a tooth-pick stuck in them!! Wow...she is incredible!!!! as you can see from the evidence on my face.....they were a big hit with me!

Gee....I wonder if I could squeeze just one more in......

not gonna happen.....I think 2 is my max.....

But man are they good!!! Mommy blames herself for me liking peanut butter cups....while she was pregnant .....she loved them even more then she already did!!! I can see why....they are delicious!!!

You are the best Auntie Kaleigh!!!

Oh baby...."orange" you sweet!

Aunt Carol brought a doll over to Grandma's house that she thought we might like to play with...she knows how we like to feed our babies with a bottle and this baby has a big mouth.....well that is not all we feed them! Check this out....I talked Grandma into letting me take this baby home (a very easy task I might add) and after story time, Mommy let me take this baby to bed! During story time, I always eat fruit or some kind of a snack....clementines are my favorite!! Apparently I had one left over that Mommy didn't see so I fed it to this baby! The next day, Mommy found my baby in her bed and noticed she had something in her mouth...she had to use a fork to get it out and this is what she found! Silly are supposed to swallow the clementine! Maybe Miley taught her this....she also only likes to suck the juice out of the clementine....only she throws the left-overs on the floor for Mommy to pick up!

Familiar Scene at our house....

For the past 2 months...we have all been passing a bug around....(except Mommy). We have been keeping a low profile...not missing out on much of the outside's too darn cold out anyway, so being stuck at home is not the worst thing that can happen when you just don't feel like yourself! Mommy still hasn't taken either of us in to the Dr.'s office for our 1 and 2 year checks....she is holding off until we feel good and the H1N1 "outbreak" scare need for us to pick up nasty germs in a waiting room.....they can keep their germs to themselves....our shots can wait! I have had a virtually non-stop running nose since the beginning of December! I was cutting 5 teeth at once and that just isn't all that fun! I now have 12 teeth though......I guess apparently I need them for something and there was no getting out of letting them arrive on "their time"
Mommy didn't get a whole lot of pictures of me all this month....she was trying to be nice and not shove her camera in my face while I was not feeling well.....Thanks Mom! I did get a lot of sleep and I am almost feeling like myself again.....I have been a little spit-fire too......I have taken a liking to being naughty at Grandma's house....but only when Mommy is there! If she has to run to the store and we get to hang out with Grandma and Grandpa....then my angel wings come back out....but as soon as Mommy is back.....look out! I try my hardest to get in trouble! Once we go back home though.....and I have no audience......I'm back to myself! Needless to say....Mommy is getting a lot more gray hairs this past month or two! Luv' ya Mommy!!!

There's nothing quite like a "chick" and her Dad.....

That's Daddy rocks!!! He has style...he knows how to dress his girl and by golly...he knows how to make a statement! In fact....he's so cool....I am gonna' sit right here and read him a book......I luv you let me break all the rules and darn it.....I like it!

"3" Pretties....

When I asked Mommy for "3" pretties.....she jumped right on it! She figured it was a perfect solution to my long bangs situation.....she still can't figure out what to do with them....she is leaning more towards cutting them because they are just stuck in that in-between stage.... A nice view from the back for you all.......
....and darn it.....I am proud of my 3 pretties!!!

Freezing Frost

Although these were taken about a month ago.....and they were just taken from our front door, we had about 3 days of freezing frost which is quite a site to see!(even for Mommy who hates winter with a passion) Every year when we get this, she always tells herself she is going to go out for a walk just to photograph it.....for anyone that has not experienced a freezing frost ....there is NO picture that will ever do it is quite amazing!

Playtime at Grandma's

One of the best things at Grandma's house is getting to play with all of her toys! She has some really fun ones that we both like! Auntie Carol likes them too.....she played Clippo's with us! We all played really well together.....even Aunt Carol did....."goo-girl" ....

Puzzle time!

Ahhh...Mom....I am pretty sure I am going to need your help here! Daddy and I took apart ALL of our puzzles and did not put them back together! I do love puzzle time, but this is a little overwhelming.....
When all else fails.......put all of your weight into it and shove them together.....It'll work every time!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Photos that didn't make the Christmas Cards.....

As many of you know, this years Christmas Cards were late due to a cold that was being passed between the two of us for over a month! Mommy had a "vision" of how she wanted her cards to look this year....her first mistake! Needless to say, they were not what she was aiming for, but there were a few pictures she wanted to share for reasons listed below......
This photo brings tears to my Mommy's eyes because she is certain it is the last time she had captured that "baby" look on my face.....she cannot believe how fast we are growing up and is so glad that she is always taking pictures of us to savor these moments! Here we have a very common site at our house....we both really like to make every effort to share....especially my big sister....she is always looking out for me and making sure that I get what she has....she is really good to me!

Mommy just thinks this one is will be fun to try and get a shot of us every year doing this very same thing...helping each other decorate the will be neat to see how we grow from year to year!

Mommy told Lauren to show me where the snowman she could get a shot of our hiney' worked....

And the one that was actually on the card....Mommy liked it because Lauren was on her tippy-toes trying to show me that snowman!

But as for the ones that didn't make it for obvious reasons.....they are GREAT too! They must be shared also.........

The... "I just got away with something" smirk.......(check out the sticky sucker mess on my face and vest) The... "I am so sick of that camera of yours" look......(not even asked to do this!)
And... Daddy's personal favorite.....the... "This is how it really is" look.....definitely should have made the Christmas card!!! (off my horse with that candy!)

Please note that Daddy claimed he would help Mommy with getting our picture taken for our cards....some help he is! We were very irritable because we were both still sick and not feeling like ourselves.... He let us eat our sucker right away, which created a huge sticky mess all over our clothes and faces....they were supposed to be Mommy's "back-up plan".....he insisted that Mommy "just take the picture" which point he was fired by Mommy and banned from ever helping her take a Christmas photo again!! Certainly he was disappointed at getting that news! Needless to say, Mommy waited for Daddy to go back to work to take the pictures all by herself! credit for Daddy....but who is keeping track really?

Bowling night with the family!

Auntie Kaleigh had a great idea for all of us to go bowling together! It was one of the COLDEST nights of the year but we all braved the weather just to get out of the house! I was so excited when we got there because it was like a dance floor! Grandma told us to make sure we wore white because they had black lights there and she wanted us to have glowing clothes! Great idea Grandma......we thought this was pretty neat! Stop everything! I am certain we really came here to dance!
Honestly...what are you people doing??

My sister b-lined it towards the lane....then when Daddy tried to pick her up, she did one of those "I don't want to be held numbers" .... lifted her arms so she turned into a wet noodle and Daddy couldn't get a grip on her.....pretty slick little sister!

I am still trying to figure out just what everyone is doing.....Grandpa is giving me the scoop....