Moren got it!"....this is what I will tell you if you ask if I need help! I have amazing determination for someone my age!! Daddy and I love to play with the trains and when he is gone, I take it upon myself to set the track up all by myself! I like to tell my Mommy "
Moren play with tracks
ok Ma-ma".....and off I go! Mommy knows to keep my little sister out of the room because I take great pride in my trains and
Miley just doesn't appreciate them like I do!

I will literally set a track up all the way around the room including bridges with supports under them (socks I
randomly find throughout the room). Mommy is amazed when I come to get her to show her what I have done!

Mommy understands my passion for trains and everytime we leave Grandma's house, we pull off to the side of the road by her house and we watch the trains as they are backing up.....it is going on nearly everytime we leave her house! It is great!! We pull off the road and wave at the conductor....he always waves back to us too! It is so much fun! If you ask me about it, I will tell you "Fun time huh Ma-ma"! Mommy tries to take advantage of the little things like this....one of the many reasons she feels blessed to be able to stay at home with us.....we are never really in a hurry! This is such a difference from when she was working full time before Miley arrived....trying to hurry to get stuff done...now we just stop and enjoy the little things in life! Like waving at the conductor.....and then we tell the train "nite-nite".....we head down the road and then I tell Mommy "up-up".....I like to go up the "on ramp"....even though it is not the way Mommy goes home...we do it anyway....because it is fun! Miley.....she just sits there drinking her Milk...trying to stay awake!