Even though Daddy was sick on his Birthday....we were sure glad we were able to celebrate at Grandma's house.....once again.....my little sister got first dibs on the icing!!! See the smile of success on her face....dead give-away....along with the evidence....

Miley....your face looks silly!
Miley....quick ...close your eyes!! It's about to get really smokey in here! Sorry Daddy....but Mommy made me "say" that!

Happy Birthday Daddy! We love you so much and having you home for your Birthday was extra special to us! You are the greatest Daddy ever! We love how you let us get away with everything.....let us break all the rules.....and you can build the best train tracks! We love it when you lay down next to our crib until we fall asleep....how you do EVERYTHING we demand of you.....and best of all.....how you LOVE us with all of your heart! Mommy tells us that all the time when you are gone! We miss you while you are gone at work, but when you are away, Lauren points out the airplanes and waves at you!! Have you seen her do that??
Kiss-Kiss Daddy.....as you tell us....just like Elmo!!!
Miley always seems to get to the frosting first.....lol