As many of you know, this years Christmas Cards were late due to a cold that was being passed between the two of us for over a month! Mommy had a "vision" of how she wanted her cards to look this year....her first mistake! Needless to say, they were not what she was aiming for, but there were a few pictures she wanted to share for reasons listed below......
This photo brings tears to my Mommy's eyes because she is certain it is the last time she had captured that "baby" look on my face.....she cannot believe how fast we are growing up and is so glad that she is always taking pictures of us to savor these moments!

Here we have a very common site at our house....we both really like to make every effort to share....especially my big sister....she is always looking out for me and making sure that I get what she has....she is really good to me!

Mommy just thinks this one is will be fun to try and get a shot of us every year doing this very same thing...helping each other decorate the will be neat to see how we grow from year to year!

Mommy told Lauren to show me where the snowman she could get a shot of our
hiney' worked....

And the one that was actually on the card....Mommy liked it because Lauren was on her
tippy-toes trying to show me that snowman!

But as for the ones that didn't make it for obvious reasons.....they are GREAT too! They must be shared also.........
Great pictures, i love them!!! They are sooo cute :)