Aunt Carol brought a doll over to Grandma's house that she thought we might like to play with...she knows how we like to feed our babies with a bottle and this baby has a big mouth.....well that is not all we feed them! Check this out....I talked Grandma into letting me take this baby home (a very easy task I might add) and after story time, Mommy let me take this baby to bed! During story time, I always eat fruit or some kind of a snack....clementines are my favorite!! Apparently I had one left over that Mommy didn't see so I fed it to this baby!

The next day, Mommy found my baby in her bed and noticed she had something in her mouth...she had to use a fork to get it out and this is what she found! Silly are supposed to swallow the clementine! Maybe Miley taught her this....she also only likes to suck the juice out of the clementine....only she throws the left-overs on the floor for Mommy to pick up!
LOL that is a good one!! good thing the baby didn't choke :)