This is what my Mommy gets to see
EVERY TIME she comes in my room after my nap!!!!

And it lasts for minutes.....I am always naked....(I hope we are not offending anyone....but Mommy strategically picked out these two photos...and they are too funny not to share!)

.... And I keep jumping and dancing until Mommy gets me out of my bed!!! I am a crazy girl!!! Mommy thinks this is hilarious!!! I think it is a blast!!! The first question Mommy asks....."Did you go pee-pee in your bed?" .....I'm on to her soon as she opens the door, I say "NO PEE-PEE in my bed Mommy!".......I am doing pretty good with potty training.....we have ventured out with no pull-ups accident free.....but I did have an accident at Grandma's....who wants to stop playing at Grandma's to go potty....not me!
You are one crazy girl Lauren...You must get that from Auntie Kaleigh :)